Covid-19 Safety Procedures

I regularly inform myself with the Federal Office of Public Health and the Swiss Shiatsu Association SGS about the current measures in order to be able to offer you a beneficial and safe Shiatsu treatment.


Careful hygiene is particularly important now. Please adhere to the following measures - they are for the health of all concerned:

  • Please wear a protective mask when entering the building, in the entrance area, waiting room and in the toilet.
  • On arrival at my practice, I ask you to wash your hands with soap.
  • Please change your street clothes for the treatment and bring freshly washed clothes for Shiatsu (top, trousers, socks).
  • Cleaning cloths and disinfectants are available in the Shiatsu room. Please make use of them.
  • Therapist and client wear a protective mask for the preliminary talk and for the treatment (except in prone position). You are welcome to bring a mask with you or receive a disposable mask from me.
  • If you have a cold, breathing difficulties, fever or other flu symptoms, please cancel the Shiatsu appointment in good time and stay at home.
  • If you belong to a risk group and would like a Shiatsu treatment, please contact me.


What I follow on my part:

  • I wash and disinfect my hands thoroughly before and after every treatment. If necessary, also in between.
  • I refrain from unnecessary skin contact in Shiatsu.
  • The cloths are changed after each client - as before.
  • The surfaces, door handles and handrails are cleaned several times a day and the room is aired after each client.
  • If I am feeling sick, I will of course not give Shiatsu treatments. 

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. I am at your disposal for any further information. 


Uster, 10 September 2021


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Janine Messerli

Dipl. Shiatsu-Therapeutin SGS/EMR

Eidg. dipl. Komplementär-Therapeutin OdA KT


Im Grüene 17, 8610 Uster

076 415 67 67